How to become a stay at home mom has puzzled many due to the numerous duties involved in the task. If you are a stay at home mom, you know that a mom daily schedule template will keep your day awesome. The beauty of a daily schedule for a stay at home mom is that it offers you time for yourself and time for your baby. It would help if you had clothes ironed, folded, and others puffed in your schedule. Besides, you will manage to have a to do list where you can make great dinners for your family, coif your hair, and even look forward to the days to come.
One factor about being a new mother is the anxiety of dealing with the baby and the house chores if you do not have a stay at home mom routine. It is different when you have your perfect stay at home daily schedule template. Before having a baby, you are in control of everything you do. However, after this, you have to ask what to do as a stay at home mom. It changes when the baby comes, and you are forced to change your whole schedule. When this time comes along, the stay at home daily schedule template comes to your rescue because you can manage your time well. The following discussion will give you an idea of what you need to do to create the perfect mom daily schedule template.
Factors to Consider When Creating a Mom Daily Schedule
A stay at home schedule is significant for moms taking care of their babies. There are factors to consider when creating this schedule.
Prioritizing Sleep Schedule
If you find yourself in a zombie-like status due to fatigue, it becomes hard to function while following a schedule that has no breathing room. Regardless of your routine, without adequate sleep, it will still be hard to perform. Therefore, this should be the first consideration during your stay at home mom daily schedule preparation. Without prioritizing sleep, you may move from being a happy, calm mom and become a stay at home mom who is ever angry and even yells at the baby. The anger is hard to avoid due to sleep deprivation, and this may affect the baby’s psychology to the point where they are not receptive to you when you do not have a stay at home mom routine. Therefore, ensure you prioritize your baby’s sleep and yours as you make your daily schedule.
The Process of Prioritizing sleep
- Be sure to encourage your baby to sleep longer.
- Follow your stay at home daily schedule and sleep every day at reasonable hours, which should be 1-2 hours before midnight according to you.
- Your mom daily schedule should also have wind-down routines that are creative. These can include playing with the baby using safe toys.
- Be sure to maintain some rest time in your schedule because of the older preschoolers who may not require naps.
Start the Day Well with a Good Mood
To begin your day well, you need your stay at home mom schedule to show early time. When you include this in your template, you ensure that you will have several hours to prepare other things instead of doing so when the baby is already awake. Many moms have asked how to be a stay at home mum due to the hectic schedule. These early hours are the most dreaded by mums. Therefore, the best way to ensure your kick off your day right is to arise before your baby. All good stay at home mom templates considers the issues of mood.
Remember when making the stay at home schedule not to wake up too early. Time management experts mention that you need to work in blocks of 4 hours. Your to do list should not begin 4 hours before your child and expect to complete all your tasks. You will be interrupted and probably get irritated if you have not completed the tasks. Therefore, in the morning, you can wake up one to one and a half hours before your baby is up—complete morning tasks during this time. Do not stack all your day’s work at this time.
Way to Take Advantage of Morning Hours
- Have a morning ritual in your to do list: this may include reading the bible or other book while drinking coffee.
- Include a setup method of what you need at this time the night before in your stay at home mom schedule. This way, when you wake up, you do not have to start looking for what you need.
- When considering what to do as a stay at home mum, the first consideration is to set boundaries for morning hours. Older children should not leave the room before you come to them. The morning creep from older children can wake up the baby and ruin your routine.
Fill in Necessities in the Schedule First Before Adding Extras (H3)
Ensure the first thing you fill in is the framework. The framework consists of factors in the stay at home mom schedule that are consistent. A good example is provided below.
7:30 AM: Drop off kids to school
12:00 PM: Lunch
3:30 PM: Pick up kids from school
7:30 PM: Bedtime
Some families may have different routines. However, the framework consists of what you will include in the template that is constant daily.
Once you are through with this part of the template, you now have the hours you have left to work around with your baby. Most mums have the main problem when creating a stay at home mum template is stuffing too many activities into their daily routine. A template needs to give you as a mum some breathing room. For instance, you want to have fun activities with your baby throughout the day, set time for that too, where there is space after the framework. However, remember not to place these fun activities when your child is supposed to be asleep. Also, you find some bored stay at home mom that may need to take up an outdoor activity. Use these gaps in the to do list to take a stroll with your child in the stroller.
Activities to enjoy as a stay at home mom.
Stay at home mom activities are many. They may include working on some project while your baby is asleep. If you work from home with your baby, you can squeeze the spaces in the stay at home mom template. Use a baby monitor if you are working from home, and you will hear from it as you work if your child is asleep and requires attention. There are many things to do with kids stay at home mom that always require planning using the daily schedule template.
There are many stay at home mom activities to do while with your baby or when the baby is asleep. For instance, you can include yoga among the activities to avoid boredom, and it is also an excellent way to relax from fatigue. With these activities included in the template, your day will be filled and over before you know it.
Include Downtime to your Stay at Home Mom Template
It is obvious that as a new mother, you are sometimes overwhelmed by activities in the template. Therefore, feel free to include some naptime in the template to ensure that you are well-rested. A siesta or evening nap is a good way to refresh before the older kids and family are back after their day’s activities, which should be included in a to do list.
Failure to do this will bring about irritability due to fatigue, which will prevent you from focusing on what is right. You find your stress hormones rising, and anxiety too. Subsequently, you will feel guilty because you are yet to complete all your tasks before the end of the day. Therefore, in your stay at home template, be sure to create pockets of free time.
Creating Rest Times in Your Mom Daily Schedule
- In the stay at home mom template, include times when the children have to be asleep. You can use that time to have a rest.
- Include fun activities for stay home mom to your template and use this time to either work on projects or do house chores
- Also, find time to relax with your spouse and connect during these free evenings.
- Consider this in your daily to do list, and be sure that this is a time for your self-care
Everyday Home System Routines
As a stay at home mom, you need to consider home systems and maintain them using the daily schedule template. Naturally, the home systems include organizing, cleaning, tidying, cooking, and various activities to maintain the home.
Hopefully, you will have a spouse who is helpful and does not see this as a favor. However, if you are a full-time stay at home mum, you will require little help if you have a mom daily schedule printable and hanged somewhere in the kitchen. It helps you go through the tasks of the day.
It is also great to have a to do list for those things you have not included in the template. For instance, stay at home mom activities for 18 month old baby may not have time for activities such as yoga. However, if you plan yourself well, you will find that you can squeeze in time for that activity after managing home maintenance activities. You can do so when the baby is asleep as part of a to do list.
Routines to Include in Your Home Maintenance
- In the morning, you can include emptying the dishwasher in your template.
- Ensure that the children stay in their rooms until tidying of their rooms and making their bed.
- You can do other chores after breakfast.
- Include after these slot fun activities for stay home mom
- You can tidy up after nap time and do some sweeping.
- You can also sweep in the evening after the children go to bed.
- As a stay at home mom 2 days in the week for laundry and stack up those loads of apparel in the washing machine.
Be Smart when Considering Children’s Schedules
The first principle is to ensure that you do not let the children dictate the laid down routine. In the stay at home template, be sure that the chores you choose for the children to benefit the whole family. For instance, if they wake up early, they should stay in their room until it is normal time to wake up. The kids can also use this time to tidy up their rooms and ensure that they are done with this before normal waking up when it is time for breakfast.
During independent play, the children can do what they want. hings to do with kids stay at home mom activities can be included during this time because you can play with your kids. During this slot, stay at home mom activities for 18 month old child can be included. These include nursing the baby without the other children disturbing you. Fun activities are done during the independent play duration of the day.
However, do not allow each child to create individual fun activities in their routines. Give them their space as it gives you time to either nap or do some if you usually work from home. You can also choose this time to enjoy snacks together, eat lunch together, or nap. These are the hings to do with kids stay at home mom that you should consider.
Be sure to learn as a stay at home mum that a schedule keeps a family with multiple children harmonious. As a responsible stay at home mum, it is you at the helm of the ship.
Mini Routines All Day Long That Help Everyone
The best routines for families are those that eventually turn to autopilot. If your toddler views these routines for some time, they also get the feel and learn. These are the things to do as a stay at home mom.
A planned template will help the family. However, there are mini routines in the plan that help the children feel part of and learn many life skills. They include clearing the table after eating lunch or dinner. It may involve removing toys after some fun activities. Furthermore, having snacks together while watching cartoons is a great way to keep a family harmonious as a stay at home mom.
By including these mini routines, what you are doing is lessening the struggle your children may have during transitions. This is the main advantage between stay at home mom vs working mom.
Examples of Mini Routines to Do Every Day
- Your usual morning routine when you wake up before the children
- Breakfast routines, such as choosing what to eat and where to eat. Deciding what to do after breakfast
- Snack routines – Where to snack and what to do while snacking and after snacking. These may include fun activities with your children.
- Nap time or rest time
- Routines post-nap time can include hobbies for stay at home moms such as learning a new skill such as art or gardening, or cooking.
- Dinner time routines that include who sets the table and who clears the table, and who does the dishes
- Bath time and bedtime routines are included in this list of mini routines that bring the family together. It can be included in the stay at home mom daily schedule template.
Naturally, these activities show the difference between how a stay at home mom vs working mom. A stay at home mom duties are enriching when one has a reliable stay at home mom daily schedule.
Purposes of Stay at Home Mom Daily Routine
Many mothers question how to be a stay at home mom. The primary purpose of a stay at home daily planned template is to ensure you maintain focus. Having a mom daily schedule printable template hang in your kitchen is the way to go. Home is associated with relaxation. However, as a stay at home mom, you do not have that pleasure. You are focused on your children and how to manage the daily chores and still have time for yourself and keep up with your favorite hobbies for stay at home moms.
However, when you have a to do list for you are assured of staying focused and keeping up with each activity through to the end. A stay at home mom with a good routine can create a better bond with their children.
- The home is always in working order as the home system is well maintained.
- It is a growing trend as there are websites that provide the best activities in 2021 for stay at home mom.
- There are stay at home moms right now who double their role by working from home, which makes it convenient.
- A stay at home mom will keep the children in line by providing chores using the daily schedule template. Therefore, these children can transition easily to responsible adults.
- There is a sense of harmony in a family with a stay at home mom that creates a to do list for the above mini routines that ensure the family does together.
To conclude, the article provides an overview of the stay at home mom daily schedule template. We have also discussed what is included in the template for the daily schedule of a stay at home mom. Essentially, the article has shown that the use of this stay at home mom daily schedule template ensures you do not go insane. All that is required is to have a framework set in stone and include the other daily chores between the routine’s daily tasks. All in all, it is clear that to be a stay at home mom trend is rewarding and essential for most families. It is also becoming common today with many mothers who prefer to work from home. All you need is a daily stay at home mom template, and you are set.
See also fun activities for kids.